domingo, 11 de junio de 2006

Motherhood complexity

A un mes escaso del V Encuentro de las Familias en Valencia, no he querido dejar de sumarme a este acontecimiento (aunque sea en tono de humor.)
A veces las disquisiciones complejas acerca de la familia y su valor pueden resultar poco convincentes para mentes más pragmáticas. Pues para aquellos y aquellas que prefieren motivos más pedestres, quizá esta muestra de la evolución proporcional entre número de hijos y descomplicación vital les resulte útil. (Si son mentes pragmáticas doy por supuesto que dominan el inglés...)

Your Clothes:

1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon
as you confirm your pregnancy.

2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as
long as possible.

3rd baby: Your maternity clothes ARE your regular

Preparing for the Birth:

1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.

2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that
last time,breathing didn't do a thing.

3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth

The Layette:

1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes,
color-coordinate them, and fold them neatly
in the baby's little bureau.

2nd baby: You check to make sure that the
clothes are clean and discard only the ones
with the darkest stains.

3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?


1st baby: At the first sign of distress
-a whimper, a frown- you pick up the baby.

2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her
wails threaten to wake your firstborn.

3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old
how to rewind the mechanical swing.


1st baby: If the pacifier falls on the
floor, you put it away until you can go
home and wash and boil it.

2nd baby: When the pacifier falls on the
floor, you squirt it off with some juice
from the baby's bottle.

3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt
and pop it back in.


1st baby: You change your baby's diapers
every hour, whether they need it or not.

2nd baby: You change their diaper every
two to three hours,if needed.

3rd baby: You try to change their diaper
before others start to complain about the
smell or you see it sagging to their knees.


1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics,
Baby Swing,and Baby Story Hour.

2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.

3rd baby: You take your infant to the supermarket
and the dry cleaner.

Going Out:

1st baby: The first time you leave your baby
with a sitter,you call home five times.

2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door,
you remember to leave a number where you can be

3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter
to call only if she sees blood.

At Home:

1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day
just gazing at the baby.

2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching
to be sure your older child isn't squeezing,
poking, or hitting the baby.

3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day
hiding from the children.

Swallowing Coins (a favorite):

1st child: When first child swallows a coin,
you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.

2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you
carefully watch for the coin to pass.

3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you
deduct it from his allowance!

7 comentarios:

E. G-Máiquez dijo...

Very funny!

Corina Dávalos dijo...

Better to start laughing...on monday.

Anónimo dijo...

O.k., ummm, I try, ummm... si por demostrar que soy una pragmática convencida he de atar mi lengua a un idioma ajeno, demuestro que no soy tal pragmática. Luego, spanish.

Yo que voy por la primera, confirmo casi todo lo dicho desde la segunda triada, y es que no es lo mismo llevar 4 meses de madre, que llevar a cuestas un niño durante 17 meses... vamos que para confirmar lo que Ana Có escribe no hace falta esperar ni al segundo ni al tercero.

Corina Dávalos dijo...

¡O será que aprendes pronto!

Anónimo dijo...

Bien pensado, si siempre he sido rápida ;-)... y encadenando tonterías: Para aquellos que no miran la Sexta, atención a un comentarista de los partidos de la selección argentina, un portero muy mayor argentino llamado Gati, ese es veloz! Divertidísimo!
Lo dicho encadenar por encadenar...

El domingo hubo corrida televisada por la primera... y me la perdí!

Corina Dávalos dijo...

encadenando...yo sólo vi el primer toro y no hubo nada memorable. Y encadenando de nuevo: ¡no se me olvidará el cuarto gol de España en los días que me queden! Oé

ana dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

Dejad que los niños se acerquen a Mí

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